Season 1 Episode 11: Pure Grit BBQ

We're chatting with Kerry Fitzmaurice of Pure Grit BBQ to cook up their vegan Chicken and Waffles, learn why vegan BBQ just makes sense, and start our campaign for Snoop Dogg's approval.
If you don’t think “vegan” when you hear BBQ, let me introduce you to Pure Grit, where they will soon become one. Everything here is not only vegan, but it’s also gluten free, making it a safe space for just about everyone. Everything is made with intention and flavor, so no meat will be missed here! On my visit we made Chicken and Waffles. Being a vegetarian, I no longer eat this dish but when I knew this was 100% meat-free, I was so excited to try it (spoiler, I was not disappointed)!
Founder and CEO, Kerry, wanted to create a space where everyone feels welcome, a sense of community, nostalgic, and can take home some homemade sauces and rubs to make their own special BBQ creations at home. Well, I think she’s done exactly that!
You can check out Pure Grit BBQ here.
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