Season 1 Episode 4: Seed + Mill

In this episode, we're visiting Rachel Simon at Seed + Mill, in Chelsea Market, in Chelsea, New York City, to make a lemon tahini sauce with their tahini, and their Tahini Sundae.
"Tahini, from the Arabic word, tahana, meaning to grind is a creamy sesame butter made of roasted sesame seeds, and that’s it! Our seeds are sourced from Humera in Ethiopia and roasted at precise temperatures to lock in their natural flavor and exceptional nutritional benefits." -Seed + Mill
Visiting Rachel at Seed + Mill was a total delight. Not only is she amazingly sweet and hospitable, but the products are so amazing. I got to try their tahini (which was ultra creamy), a couple different flavors of halva (up until now, I had never had flavored halva, and they have so many different flavors to try, I highly recommend sampling at least a couple), and their tahini soft serve as a sundae.
Let’s talk about the tahini sundae, because it was probably my favorite thing. Now, I’m notoriously (and unapologetically) known to not be a big fan of ice cream (don’t at me). I’m 100% a dessert person, but there’s something about ice cream that’s never really jived with me (maybe the dairy, or diary-like richness that just ends up making my stomach heavy, and don’t get me started on the way it’s eaten- if it’s not with a spoon, I will have nothing to do with it or watch it). BUT, this soft serve is in a category of its own. The consistency is smooth and creamy, and it’s so well balanced in flavor, not too sweet at all, a little savory and nutty, and the portion size is perfect. You could easily have the soft serve on its own, but I do recommend having it as a sundae which includes chopped up halva and tahini sauce. Just get it, and thank me later (but mostly, thank Rachel).
You can visit Seed + Mill and learn more here:
Check back next week for a new episode, and in the meantime make sure to subscribe HERE.
Video and editing: Drea Garcia