Plastic Picnic at Governors Ball

In this interview, we're chatting with the band Plastic Picnic, talking about their favorite Brooklyn restaurant spots, their specialty dishes, and the tie-in with their hopeful future crafty sponsor, Trader Joe's.
The guys of Plastic Picnic were awesome to talk to! Not only is the Brooklyn-based group down to earth and a lot of fun to talk to, their music was excellent, really setting the tone for a fun-filled festival day. One reason I love talking to non-traditionally-food-people about food, is not only because it brings us all together, but because you get to find out so much about someone that you might not have otherwise known (plus, I selfishly think that sometimes they appreciate the off-the-wall questions from their regular press junket).

I learned that Emile, Lincoln, and Gordon love to cook, and Emile and Lincoln even formally worked at cult-favorite grocery store Trader Joe’s (and if you’re wondering what the best cheese to try there is, apparently it’s the Rosemary Asiago- I’ve yet to try it, so, it’s now on my list!). Through this season we’ve also plugged some hopeful opportunities (see Kaleena Zanders’ Prince collab wish here, and Kaien Cruz’s pitch to Gordon Ramsey to open up a restaurant in the metaverse here), this one for Trader Joe’s to sponsor their former employee’s tour and catering tents. I truly hope it all works out for everyone (and it all started here)!
You can check out Plastic Picnic here.

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katherine sprung