When Cookies Are Done: How to Tell When Your Cookies are Just Right

In my series of cookie questions, another one of the top questions was, “When Cookies Are Done”.

Determining when cookies are done can be a bit tricky, as it depends on the type of cookie and your personal preference for doneness. However, there are a few general indicators to look for:

  1. Golden Brown Edges: Cookies are typically done when the edges are golden brown. The center may still look slightly soft, but it will continue to set as the cookies cool.

  2. Set Edges: The edges should be set and firm to the touch. If they're still soft and mushy, the cookies need more time in the oven.

  3. Slight Firmness: Gently press the top of a cookie. It should feel slightly firm, but still yield slightly in the center.

  4. Lightly Browned Bottoms: Lift up a cookie and check the bottom. It should be lightly browned and not overly dark.

  5. Visual Cues: Depending on the recipe, cookies may spread and flatten out during baking. When they start to look set and have spread out, they are likely close to being done.

  6. Time and Temperature: Follow the baking time and temperature specified in your recipe as a general guideline, but use the visual and textural cues mentioned above to determine doneness.

It's better to slightly underbake cookies than to overbake them, as they will continue to cook on the baking sheet once removed from the oven!

katherine sprung